Culture holidays and vacations
holidays and vacations
Holiday in American English means a day that is special for some reason. Most people do not go to work on an important holiday, but may do so on a minor one. Few people have to work on federal (= national) holidays such as New Year's Day or Independence Day, though they may celebrate, for example, St Valentine's Day but still go to work or school. Apart from the main federal holidays, each state decides its own holidays. The period from Thanksgiving to the end of the year when there are several important holidays is called the holiday season or simply the holidays (Stores are getting ready for the holiday season.). In British English, special days like New Year's Day are called bank holidays or public holidays.
Holiday in British English also means a period of time spent away from work or school, usually of a week or longer. This is called a vacation in American English. So, the period of several weeks in the summer when schools are closed is called the summer holiday in Britain and summer vacation in the US. Spring break in the US is a week's holiday for school and college students in March or April.
Holiday and vacation are also used to refer to the period when people go away for a time to a beach resort or to the country, or go travelling. British people have about four weeks' paid leave from their jobs. Most take their main holiday in the summer. People without children of school age often go on holiday in the off season when prices are lower and there are fewer other holidaymakers . Some people stay in Britain for their holiday, but many go to Europe and rent a cottage in the country or go to beach resorts for one or two weeks. Some travel to the US or visit India, the Far East and other parts of the world. Many British people going abroad buy package tours on the internet or through high-street travel agents, which include transport, accommodation and sometimes excursions in the price. Some people see their holidays as an opportunity to relax in the sun, but others prefer activity holidays during which they can visit famous buildings or go walking in the countryside. Some go to a holiday centre, often called a holiday village, which provides entertainment for all the family. People often arrange their holiday a long time in advance and look forward to it through the winter. Many people also have a short break, usually three or four days, for example, at a country cottage in Britain or in a European city.
Americans have less paid vacation, typically two weeks a year. People with high-level jobs or those who have worked in their company for many years may have longer vacations. People with low-paid jobs in shops, fast food restaurants, etc., often have no paid vacation at all.
The typical family vacation in the US involves driving to a destination within the country. Some people visit relatives or go sightseeing in cities like Washington, DC, or New York. The national parks, like Yellowstone National Park or the Grand Canyon, are also popular, and people sometimes rent a cabin (BrE cottage) in the country. Families often go to amusement parks like Disney World in Florida. People who do not drive usually fly to a place as air fares are relatively cheap. Package tours are not very common and most Americans arrange their own transport and accommodation if they are staying in the US.
Many Americans have not been on vacation outside North America. However, Europe has always been a popular destination for people wanting to travel further and package tours there are popular with wealthy older Americans. Trips to South America and the Far East are increasingly common, especially with younger travellers. Cruises (= journeys by ship, visiting different places) have also become very popular.